07800 945192 
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Adult Classes 

Whether your dog needs basic commands or you would just like to carry out work with your dog in a group format, these classes would work for you. 
All training helps to enhance your bond with your dog. The first class is for owners only, dogs to join for week two onwards. Teaching basic obedience from the foundations. 
Seven week course – seven sessions, each class is an hour and a half each. £198. First class is owners only, no dogs to this class. We train you to train your dog, it's important that you learn before we bring your dog into the equation. 
For all dogs over six months, unless reactive; reactive dogs must be seen by Helen in a one-to-one prior to attending classes. 
Basic commands taught to secure foundations. Fast paced classes. 
It is advised that you come to watch a class before booking on. 
Small training groups working in our enclosed field. 
Dogs must remain on lead at all times. Long lines are used where more space is required. 
Well behaved children are welcome and they are able to train your dog. An adult from the same household must be present and able to hold the lead for the child. 

Next Course Dates 

At Woughton on the Green 

Sunday 5th January at 2.00pm – SPACES AVAILABLE 
For course content or booking, please contact us here. Non-refundable deposits are required prior to starting a course. It is highly recommended that you watch a class before booking on. This is also a chance to meet Helen. 
If your dog shows any sign of illness or has kennel cough, please contact Helen and do not attend classes or puppy socialisation. Please ensure you wait at least ten days after a kennel cough vaccine before attending puppy class or socialisation. 
If your dog has any reactivity, please discuss this with us before booking on. It is important that we are aware of any reactivity before classes start. We may wish to assess your dog first. Sometimes classes are not the best option for fearful, reactive or aggressive dogs. It is important that we work in the best interests of your dog.